Days in: London.

So last week I went to London with my parents and sister for the first time ever. I had been dreaming of going to London for as long as I can remember. It seems like such a great city to explore, and four days isn't nearly enough. For a long time I did not touch my beloved camera, but when you're in this beautiful city you cannot not take pictures, am I right? Anyhow, I decided to put some of the highlights of my London trip on here. Enjoy! 

DAY 1: Exploring without a plan.

After taking a bus at 6:30 a.m., a 2 hour train ride and 15 minutes on the London underground (which took us about an hour to figure out!) we finally arrived at our hotel. The picture below is the view we could've had from our hotel room, however we weren't that lucky and had a perfect view of the hotel being built next to ours. After a quick wash up we decided to go out without a map and just walk towards this view and later on to Picadilly Circus. Once we got there it started raining pretty bad, typical British weather so I've heard. However I didn't mind, it resulted in the lights of Picadilly Circus reflecting on the wet ground, which was a pretty cool effect for a picture (the first one, by the way). 

Look at that little flag waving tho, prettyyyyyy.
After Picadilly Circus I had a really bad stomach ache so we decided to pop into boots for some medicine and head back to the hotel. I could not stand up straight anymore let alone walk because of the pain. After taking the medicine and a short nap I felt better and was able to go to dinner, we decided to go to Nando's. I heard so much about that place so I was happy to go there and find out what it was all about :D Yes, it was delicious! 

DAY 2: Madame Tussauds & Tate Modern.

This day was probably the one I dreaded the most, two places I can't simply escape. However my excitement seemed to win from my anxiety and I ended up enjoying this day the most. It was so much fun exploring Madame Tussauds and taking pictures with people. I was surprised with how tiny BeyoncĂ© was though, lol. Madame Tussauds is definitely a fun thing to do if you're ever in London, however I think it's quite expensive for what it is... but maybe that's just the bitterness left over of not being able to see Yoda (you had to pay extra for the Star Wars exhibit). 

 Even though I wasn't able to see the lovely old Yoda, I was able to get a picture with another little outer-space-being called E.T. It's kinda funny how I used to love that movie as a kid, since I've seen Signs I avoid every alien-related movie. Yes,  I'm almost 23...

A picture of Hulk's butt! Original, right? I'm not weird now, am I? 

*Still busy fangirling...*
I have to be honest, Tate Modern wasn't on my list of "places to go when in London". I'm an artsy person, but I don't understand why a toilet with a name on it is art. BUT, my excitement quickly rised when I heard Lichtenstein's "Whaam!" was on display there. For as long as I can remember we have a copy of it hanging in our living room. Seeing the real thing was simply amazing, it is twice as big and twice as beautiful to be honest. I think I stared at it for about 20 minutes, silly me. The rest of the gallery was okay, there were some pieces that really got to me. Ironically, I could not seem to get the one I liked the most on a good picture and I did not want to ruin it. So I picked some other pictures I did like...

 DAY 3: London Bridge, Oxford street and the London Eye from hell.

Even though the London bridge isn't so far from Tate Modern we decided to leave it for the next day. I'm glad we did because the weather was so much better the next day, which resulted in this pretty picture below. Because I have this bridge (and other places in London) on a red artsy canvas in my dorm, I always thought the detailing of this bridge was in fact red. It was so weird to see that it was blue. It's still very pretty though, there's nothing more I could possibly say about it. 

Next up: Oxford street, YAAAAS. Since it was soo busy there I couldn't possibly get my camera out, and besides Oxford street is for shopping anyway. To replace the lack of pictures of that part of my day, here's one of me in a telephone booth...

Finally, the London Eye. I told my mom beforehand I wasn't too keen on going in there, I just wanted a picture of it. The next day she ordered us some tickets to go in, yay me. I don't mind heights when I don't have the time to think about it, like in a roller coaster for example... this thing takes half an hour to go round. Pair this up with the fact that I don't like being stuck in places and the fact that it was incredibly warm in that little egg... Yes, I got a pretty bad anxiety attack in there. My sister, who is very understanding of all things going on with me, gladly took my camera and took some pictures for me since I couldn't seem to move. I'm so happy she did because since I couldn't enjoy it at the moment it self, I can enjoy the view now, from behind my desk and so can you! 

Look at that little plain, hehe.
 Aaaaaand then we couldn't find anything decent to eat, and went to McDonalds. Even though we still had half a day in London the next day, our feet we're hurting so much that we didn't do much that day. We just hung out at Starbucks and Boots in St. Pancras station. We walked about 35 kilometers in those three days, crazy right? During the last ones, on our way home from the London Eye, I took this one. It's the perfect one to end this blogpost, don't you think? 

Soooooo, I hope you enjoyed this very picture heavy blogpost. I will definitely go back to London and do some more exploring in the future. I secretly fell in love with this city, it's so beautiful and full of life. Anyway, please make sure to like or comment on this post if you've enjoyed it and there will be more stuff coming soon! Love you guys <3 


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